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Taxpayers' Alliance says Thanet District Council should stop intefering over Manston

Campaigners have criticised efforts to reopen Manston as an airport, saying it is a waste of time.

The Taxpayers’ Alliance says that Thanet District Council should scrap its drive to force a buyout through a compulsory purchase order.

It says the saga has ben dragging on too long.

The Taxpayers' Alliance has say politicians should abandon their plans to resurrect Manston Airport
The Taxpayers' Alliance has say politicians should abandon their plans to resurrect Manston Airport

The UKIP-run council agreed last night (Tuesday) to appoint lawyers to examine the finances of the American consortium RiverOak, which wants to team up with the authority and apply for a CPO.

In a statement the group said: “The TaxPayers’ Alliance seconds Ray Mallon’s [spokesman for the owners] comments.

Ray Mallon, spokesman for Trevor Cartner and Chris Musgrave who now own the site
Ray Mallon, spokesman for Trevor Cartner and Chris Musgrave who now own the site

"Councils should not be risking taxpayers’ money on an airport that has never turned a profit and shows no likelihood of doing so in the future.

The terminal at Manston airport
The terminal at Manston airport

"We encourage them to put speculation to bed once and for all, and in doing so, stop wasting time, money and delaying the lucrative redevelopment.”

Council leader Chris Wells has defended the council’s position.

Speaking after last night’s cabinet meeting, he said it was important to safeguard the authority’s position.

Cllr Chris Wells
Cllr Chris Wells

He said: “In the weeks since the election, we have done more than the previous administration did in 14 months.

"It is very straightforward now. We have asked a specialist solicitors to advise us on the position we are in now and to tell us what we need to do to make sure that our finance officer is content that we are dealing with an organisation (River0ak) of substance as an indemnity partner.”

Owners Chris Musgrave and Trevor Cartner, who want to create a business park and develop houses on the site, say they would fight any attempt to force a buyout.

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