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Council hunts Sheppey Moo Mop Mouse graffiti artist - to give him a job

An undercover graffiti artist is being hunted by a council - which wants to give him a job.

The anony-mouse painter who has won hundreds of fans with his quirky sketches of a tiny rodent called Moo Mop Mouse on the Isle of Sheppey has refused to reveal his identity because of fears of prosecution.

Blake Hervey, 5, has fun trying to speak to Moo Mop Mouse using a paper cup and string attached to a lifebuoy at Queenborough on the Isle of Sheppey. Picture: Teresa Whiskin
Blake Hervey, 5, has fun trying to speak to Moo Mop Mouse using a paper cup and string attached to a lifebuoy at Queenborough on the Isle of Sheppey. Picture: Teresa Whiskin

Illegal art works deemed to deface public property are also routinely scrubbed off.

But in a surprise move, Swale council has offered the covert cartoonist an olive branch.

A spokesman said: “While we don’t condone the defacing of public property, we won’t be removing Moo Mop Mouse at this time."

She added: “We also urge the artist to get in touch with us or, the local town council, to become involved in any future town murals and other artwork that uplifts the community’s spirits.”

The little mouse began appearing along the Island's seafronts last month, peeking out of mouse holes painted onto sea walls or dangling from a kite.

Sheppey's mystery Moo Mop Mouse has found a frame in a wood
Sheppey's mystery Moo Mop Mouse has found a frame in a wood

The latest "installation" has appeared away from the sea for the first time hidden in a little wood at Thistle Hill with Moo Mop perched on a big black picture frame balanced on timber with the caption "Say Cheese!" Writing on the frame says: "Once upon a time... in a world of a selfie."

Last week the artist temporarily broke cover to announce: "I've been truly touched by the response which has pushed me to create a couple more along the way. But ultimately I have to remember that, although this has brought a lot of joy, it still is illegal to paint in such places.

"This leaves me in a predicament. I must remain unknown until I know I am not going to be punished in anyway from the council or any other governing body."

Three Moo Mop Mice were created to amused the artist's partner during lunch breaks from a stressful job but now number eight. Moo Mop now has her own Facebook page with more than 800 'friends' where fans upload their own pictures, especially of children discovering the drawings.

There are even calls for Moo Mop Mouse key rings, fridge magnets and postcards.

One of the first Moo Mop Mouse paintings on the sea wall at Minster on the Isle of Sheppey
One of the first Moo Mop Mouse paintings on the sea wall at Minster on the Isle of Sheppey
Flying high: Moo Mop Mouse takes to the air with a kite tethered to a water overflow pipe on the seafront on the Isle of Sheppey
Flying high: Moo Mop Mouse takes to the air with a kite tethered to a water overflow pipe on the seafront on the Isle of Sheppey

Read more: All the latest news from Sheppey here

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