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Howard: councils need extra Government cash

MICHAEL HOWARD: "Here in Kent we have to deal with the fact that the Government has moved resources to the Midlands and the North"
MICHAEL HOWARD: "Here in Kent we have to deal with the fact that the Government has moved resources to the Midlands and the North"

LOCAL authorities must be given enough money to discharge the duties imposed on them by central government, says Kent MP and Tory Party leader Michael Howard.

He was commenting on protests and complaints by pensioners and other members of the public about soaring council tax levels.

Mr Howard, speaking in Grovehurst, near Sittingbourne, said: “I don’t think there is anything wrong with the concept of council tax, but it was never intended to carry the burden that the Government had put on it.”

The Folkestone and Hythe MP was among 80 guests who attended a social evening at the home of local Conservative borough councillor Brenda Simpson.

Guests included Swale police area commander Supt Jan Stephens and Gordon Henderson, the prospective Tory parliamentary candiate for Sittingbourne and Sheppey.

Mr Howard added that central government had not given local councils the money that they needed to discharge the burdens that it placed on them.

“That’s why council tax is being put up. Conservative councils have got a record of keeping council tax very low, but they have had to put it up.

“Here in Kent we have to deal with the fact that the Government has moved resources to the Midlands and the North. “

Mr Howard claimed this policy was costing Kent County Council £40 million per year. But Mr Howard said proposals to replace council tax with local income tax would mean some households paying an extra 70 or 80 per cent a year.

He added: “If you have got two people working they would be paying £1,700 or £1,800 per year between them. It would be a huge increase on those who are working with average incomes.”

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