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Fuel boss at Presneill Tipper Contractors in Sheerness hits out at fuel price increase

Fuel prices are at a record high and the boss of a Sheppey-based haulage firm has called on motorists to take action.

With VAT, duty and oil value increases, prices at the forecourt are through the roof.

Mike Presneill, managing director of Sheerness firm Presneill Tipper Contractors
Mike Presneill, managing director of Sheerness firm Presneill Tipper Contractors

Mike Presneill, managing director of Sheerness firm Presneill Tipper Contractors, said it is having an adverse affect on businesses and motorists alike and fuel protest - similar to the ones in 2000 - could be on the cards.

The 64-year-old said his company has 16 trucks on the road and because they purchase 80,000 litres of fuel a month, a rise of just 1p has a massive impact - adding £800 to their bill.

He said: "The main thing for any haulage contractor at the moment is to try and keep his head above water.

"Looking at it, there's going to be another 3p or 4p increase in the next couple of months - it's not good for the industry that's for sure.

"It's most definitely the worst I have ever known it.

"We all watch the news - people are saying they are having to stop using their cars so much because they can't afford it - what a crazy situation for 2011."

He said the knock-on effect of ever-increasing fuel costs will be that firms like his will have to increase their rates meaning their customers will look abroad for cheaper costs.

Mr Presneill also encouraged motorists to sign up to a campaign which has been launched by defeated Maidstone Lib Dem candidate Peter Carroll.

He said: "It's a very worthwhile campaign. The more people that sign the petition the more pressure it will put on the government.

"If the public can sign up to this campaign it should be beneficial to all of us."

Meanwhile, Sheppey MP Gordon Henderson has stressed his concern over the recent hike in prices and is supporting a proposal for a fuel duty stabiliser.

This would see fuel duty fall when oil prices rise and go back up when the oil price goes down.

He said: "Hauliers and motorists are really suffering from high fuel prices and I fear there is even more misery ahead unless the Government takes action."

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