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Sevenoaks man jailed after unprovoked stabbing assault

A man who stabbed his victim five times has been jailed.

James Jackson, from Sevenoaks, stabbed his victim five times in the chest, shoulders and arms.

James Jackson has been jailed after repeatedly stabbing his victim
James Jackson has been jailed after repeatedly stabbing his victim

Jackson of Greatness Mill Court, was sentenced at Maidstone Cown Court yesterday.

The stabbing happened on April 4 when the victim visited the defendant at his home.

Both men were talking inside the house when Jackson suddenly attacked his visitor.

The victim, who is in his 20s, thought his attacker was punching him at first but then realised Jackson was holding a knife and he had been stabbed.

The victim fled the address and members of the public helped him before paramedics were called.

He was taken to hospital and treated for five stab wounds.

Jackson was later arrested and charged and later pleaded guilty to wounding at Maidstone Crown Court.

On Wednesday November 9, he was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment.

The jail term included a sentence for robbery and criminal damage committed on 2 June, 2021. Jackson pleaded guilty to assaulting a taxi driver who had been taking him from Tunbridge Wells to his home address.

Jackson went on to steal a quantity of cash before damaging the taxi.

DC Tony Hatcher, of West Kent CID, said: "Jackson is clearly a very violent man capable of causing sudden and extreme harm without thought for the effect on his victims.

"The unprovoked attack on the visitor to his home address could have had fatal consequences and there is a clear need for this individual to be safely confined in prison."

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