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East Malling vicar Jim Brown gets a pint-sized send-off from King and Queen landlord Dave Drury

He swapped one force for an even greater one in God, but policeman-turned-vicar Jim Brown has now retired after 14 years with his church.

Affection for Mr Brown was clearly evident when 400 churchgoers packed out an emotional farewell service at East Malling’s St James the Great.

Mr Brown was ordained in 1996, after 25 years with the Met Police, but still served as an officer of the law for five more years.

The vicar is pictured with landlord Dave Drury
The vicar is pictured with landlord Dave Drury

The 63-year-old said: “My heart is telling me one thing and my mind is telling me another. It’s sad, but I know I have to retire. I’m going to miss everyone at the church terribly.

“It was an overwhelming service, there was so many people there.

“I expected around 250 but there was more like 400 – it was standing room only.”

To mark the retirement of Mr Brown, who also served as the rural dean of the Malling deanery, and benefice of Wateringbury, Teston and East Malling, the King and Queen pub in East Malling put a quirky spin on a popular guest ale.

The Rev Jim Brown has retired after serving congregations for 14 years in East Malling
The Rev Jim Brown has retired after serving congregations for 14 years in East Malling

The Rev James, a Brains’ beer, is on draught at the pub, and landlord Dave Drury superimposed the vicar’s face on to the pump.

Mr Drury said: “I’ve been here 15 years and we’ve always done things with Jim – he’s a lovely figure in the community and will be incredibly missed.

“We all want to wish him a fond farewell and a happy retirement to both him and Jean.”

Mr Brown is moving to enjoy his retirement in Offham and spend time with his family.

He said: “There’s no real plan. I’ll still be mentoring for the diocese when new priests come in. Maybe I’ll write about my experiences in the police force and then my time in the church.

“I’ve got an old kit car I’ll be able to work on, but mainly I’ll enjoy time with my family.”

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