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Store steps in to help birthday boy

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Ashley, with store manager David Bray and dad Alan Richens. Picture: Matthew Walker
Ashley, with store manager David Bray and dad Alan Richens. Picture: Matthew Walker

Stunned, overwhelmed and close to tears.

Those are the sentiments of Alan Richens after a High Street store replaced his son’s stolen Wii and Wii Fit Board.

Earlier this month the Kent Messenger reported how Ashley Richens, nine, of Wheeler Street, Maidstone, was left heartbroken on his birthday when he woke up to just a card after burglars stole his present and took his Christmas gift as well.

Now Argos in High Street, Maidstone has saved the day for Ashley, a pupil at North Borough Primary School.

Stock manager Michael Walker said: “Our regional manager Carl Ball heard about Ashley and said he wanted us to help out.”

Ashley was presented with his gift on Monday.

Mr Richens, a single parent, said: “I was nearly in tears after I found out about what they planned to do. Nobody has ever been so generous to me. I spent months saving up to buy Ashley these things and there is no way I would be able to afford to replace them. After I found out I was so excited about telling Ashley and seeing his reaction. I knew he was going to be absolutely thrilled.”

Mr Richens now intends to volunteer for charity work in Maidstone as a way of saying thank you.

Police arrested a 21-year-old man in connection with the incident. He has been released on police bail pending further investigation.

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