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You are divided on a united kingdom

MP Derek Wyatt
MP Derek Wyatt

Calls for an English parliament have got you hot under the stiff upper lip!

It is a subject that divides the county - with some backing a move towards devolvement, while others want a more united kingdom.

The row is brewing after Sheppey MP Derek Wyatt suggested the idea for a separate parliament for England was the only way to prevent the “acrimonious” break-up of the United Kingdom.

Outlining his plans for parliaments that would raise funds through local income tax, Mr Wyatt said in a speech at Westminster that devolution to Scotland and Wales had left England paying more for less.

In a speakout on Kentonline, Kevin Wells, from England, agreed: “Yes England should have its own Parliament to decide what is best for England, as the British Parliament is not doing it.”

Graham Cooper from Kent said: “Yes I think it is high time England had its own parliament. I am sick and tired of paying to subsidise the Welsh and Scots whilst the English still have to pay prescription charges and university fees.”

Stuart Parr from Telford, Shropshire, said: “Yes, England should have its own parliament. It's absolute nonsense that a federal government wouldn't work because England is bigger than the Celtic nations. A devolved English Parliament, like the Scottish Parliament, would be interested only in domestic affairs and would have no say over British matters that the federal parliament would deal with.”

But Chris Fairfield from Canterbury said: “Oh great, yet another layer of politicians to 'solve' our problems. Doesn't anyone think that what we need is fewer and better politicians? Wouldn't the money spent on all these layers of government be better spent in, oh I don't know, - frontline health services or decent transport? Or is it just me?

Richard Datchler from Chatham agrees he said: “Just what we need - another load of windbags doing very little and getting paid too much. Instead of scheduling yet another gravy train, perhaps Mr Wyatt should provide his insight on how we can get better representation from the system we have already.”

Robbie Craig from Dungeness, said: “ The only point of new government tiers is if they increase the accountability of politicians and bring important decisions closer to the electorate. An English Parliament would not do that.

“Better to have regional government and local government with real power.”

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