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School farm victory

School farm victory
School farm victory

by Thom Morris

Controversial plans to build a small housing estate on the North School farm in Ashford have been refused.

At a meeting of Ashford Borough Council's planning committee last night (Wednesday) members unanimously agreed to refuse the application made by Kent County Council.

Members felt that the development was too large for the site and that the extra traffic on the roads would cause Essella Road residents more problems.

Planning committee member Cllr Tina Heyes said: "I can't believe a child hasn't been killed along that road and I don't think it will be long before they are. This application will only add to that."

KCC said it will now go back and reviews "all its options."

Corporate services boss at KCC Roger Gough (pictured above) said: "Obviously we're very disappointed. One consequence is that £750,000 from the sale of this land that could have been spent on improvements to Kent schools isn't available now, so obviously that's very disappointing.

"We felt we'd addressed many of the concerns, certainly over the farm. We had traffic surveys, so clearly it's very disappointing."

Essella Road resident and East Stour Community Forum chairman Gill Clark said: "I'm just really thrilled for the residents. We've won."

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