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Margate mum avoids jail after breaking friend's eye-socket at children's birthday party in Ramsgate

A children’s birthday party descended into violence when a drunk mum broke her friend’s eye-socket and assaulted two infants.

Rachel Carter set upon Jade Huckstep as foul language between the pair flew “over the heads” of screaming children at the Ramsgate gathering.

Rachel Carter, of La Belle Alliance Square in Margate leaving court
Rachel Carter, of La Belle Alliance Square in Margate leaving court

The 32-year-old was handed a suspended sentence at Canterbury Crown Court after previously pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm and two counts of common assault. May 27

The common assault charges related to two minors, who Carter barged past to attack Huckstep.

“You became involved in an argument with your former friend who you knew was in the early stages of pregnancy,” Judge Simon James told Carter.

“It is clear things descended into a physical altercation with you two mothers exchanging punches.

“Outside, you can both be seen screaming insults at each other, seemingly oblivious to the impact that had on the children around you.

Carter's case was heard at Canterbury Crown Court
Carter's case was heard at Canterbury Crown Court

“You pushed children out of the way so you could continue to prosecute your assault. You were both drunk and behaving like children - the footage is extraordinary and you should hang your head in shame.”

But Judge James told Carter he would suspend a two-year sentence for two years as an “act of mercy”, so her own children would not go without a mum.

She’s also been ordered to complete 40 rehabilitation awareness days with probation.

The court heard Carter and Ms Huckstep came to blows in view of horrified children at a property in Ramsgate on a March afternoon last year.

At one point Carter punched and kicked Ms Huckstep as she lay on the floor, the court heard.

Rachel Carter, of La Belle Alliance Square in Margate (56982335)
Rachel Carter, of La Belle Alliance Square in Margate (56982335)

A neighbour filmed a section of the violence through their keyhole as the attack spilled onto the landing, as one child attempted to stop the violence.

“Carter pulled Huckstep’s hair to try and remove her,” Sarah Ellis, prosecuting said.

“A neighbour tried to break them up - they screamed and shouted at each other for many minutes.

“(It is) thoroughly unedifying and quite shocking that all of that should take place over the heads of children,” she added.

The footage showed the pair brawling on the landing, with the word “tramp” being screamed while children could be heard crying.

“A neighbour tried to break them up - they screamed and shouted at each other for many minutes..."

Ms Huckstep suffered a fractured eye socket, bruises and swelling, the court heard.

Supported by friends in the public gallery, Carter, who has two previous assault convictions, appeared visibly distressed in the dock.

Her barrister Tom Worden explained there was a “significant degree of provocation involved - there was significant verbal abuse in the build up to this incident."

He added Carter, of La Belle Alliance Square in Margate, was working to address an alcohol problem and she hopes to train as a barber.

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