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Cyclist Jamie becomes world champ

TOP OF THE WORLD: Jamie Staff celebrates winning gold for Britain. Picture: LARRY HICKMOTT
TOP OF THE WORLD: Jamie Staff celebrates winning gold for Britain. Picture: LARRY HICKMOTT

CYCLE king Jamie Staff has finally won his gold medal.

Seven months after his Olympic nightmare in Athens, the 31-year-old is celebrating a golden win at the World Championships in Los Angeles.

His proud parents, Christine and Alan, watched the race live on satellite TV at their home in Brabourne Lees, near Ashford, with Jamie’s 86-year-old grandmother, Ruby Wright.

There were gasps of excitement as Jamie and his team-mates took the gold medal for Great Britain in the men’s sprint relay, then tears of pride as Jamie received his medal.

Jamie’s mum revealed that being disqualified while going for glory at the Olympic Games almost made Jamie quit, but 2005 will be a great year for him, becoming world champion and a father for the first time.

Mrs Staff said: "Jamie and Malia are expecting their first child in August. Winning this medal has made up for all the disappointment he suffered. I’m not saying he was ready to quit but he was pretty close to it.

"He went on holiday in Greece after the Olympics and took a rest from sport. But then he got the bug again. He has bounced back in a huge way. We are so proud of him."

The family watched the excitement unfold at the LA Home Depot velodrome.

Grandmother Ruby said: "I managed to keep control of myself during the race, although it was very exciting.

"But the minute he stepped onto the podium for his medal I was in tears. I think we all were. I am proud as punch of my Jamie.”

Jamie, who is 32 next month, is president of the Ashford Wheelers and retains strong links with the BMX Flyers in Folkestone, where his career started.

He scooped gold in a tense final against Holland with colleagues Chris Hoy and Jason Queally. But there was an anxious moment at the start as the race was delayed when his pedal snapped just seconds before the off.

Mrs Staff said: "It’s such a good job that didn’t happen during the race because that would have finished him. I don’t think any of us could have stood any more disappointment."

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