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Climate Camp Countdown - Pitch battle

Bosses at Kingsnorth power station are calling on climate protesters to finally let local residents know where they intend to pitch their camp this summer.

Despite running a meeting earlier this week, the protesters have proved unwilling to tell local people exactly where the 3,000-strong camp will be held, fuelling fears that they could destroy local farmers’ crops.

Protesters plan mass march to camp

Alan Sanderson, plant manager at Kingsnorth power station, said: “The Camp’s organisers have said that they’re keen to allay local people’s fears.

"But have failed to provide a definitive answer to the question on most people’s lips in Hoo - exactly where is the camp going to be.

“We’ve been a part of this community for over 30 years, we’d like to think that we’ve been a good neighbour, and we know that the last thing our neighbours want is disruption but that’s exactly what they face.

“We absolutely support Climate Camp’s right to protest but surely the organisers must recognise that it’s only common decency to provide this most basic of information?”

The power station team has urged the protestors to keep out of the power station in order to protect the 300 employees at Kingsnorth.

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