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Herne Bay nan ‘horrified’ after finding plastic and metal object in Sainsbury’s rice

A horrified gran fears a child could have choked after she found a strange object wedged in rice from Sainsbury’s.

Vivienne Frost, from Herne Bay, says she believed she had broken a tooth when she bit the “plastic and metal” item.

The object found in the rice from the Sainsbury's branch in Herne Bay. Picture: Vivienne Frost
The object found in the rice from the Sainsbury's branch in Herne Bay. Picture: Vivienne Frost

The 63-year-old bought the pack of the Sainsbury’s branded brown rice on Saturday at the branch based at the Altira Business Park.

But when the grandmother-of-eight cooked a fish, vegetable and rice meal for lunch on Wednesday, she discovered the object.

“I was eating it and I thought that I’d broken a tooth,” the former foster carer said.

“I took the object out of my mouth and it was a plastic thing so I was relieved it wasn’t my tooth.

Vivienne Frost says a child could have choked on the 'plastic cap' after buying the rice from the Sainsbury's in Herne Bay. Picture: Vivienne Frost
Vivienne Frost says a child could have choked on the 'plastic cap' after buying the rice from the Sainsbury's in Herne Bay. Picture: Vivienne Frost

“I contacted Sainsbury’s and they asked me to bring it down to the store so they could send it away with the package.

“It was like a cap. It was white, round and had metal in it as well.”

The retiree raised the alarm with Sainsbury’s as she fears the object could have caused damage and poses a danger to consumers.

“It could have broken my tooth, cut my gums or, if a child had been eating it, they could have choked on it,” she added.

“I’m glad I found it and not one of my grandchildren.

The Sainsbury's branch in Herne Bay. Picture: Google
The Sainsbury's branch in Herne Bay. Picture: Google

“I was shocked and horrified.”

Mrs Frost says she did not measure the rice out so it was tipped into the saucepan and escaped her notice while it was cooking.

She said: “They sent me a message to say it was going off to head office to be tested and in five weeks, they will let me know more.”

According to Sainsbury’s website, the rice is packed in the Netherlands and a 1kg bag can be bought for £1.39.

A spokesman for the popular supermarket said: “We are currently investigating Vivienne’s experience.

“Cases like this are extremely rare because we have processes in place to prevent them from happening.”

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