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Mum-of-five Mandy Elliott who tried to influence stabbing witness is sent to prison

A mother of five who asked a witness to a vicious street stabbing to withdraw her police statement has been jailed for four months.

A judge at Maidstone Crown Court likened Mandy Elliott’s attempt to interfere with justice to “a velvet glove in which hides a fist”.

Elliott, whose youngest child is just eight months old, asked grandmother Sherry Love to withdraw her statement and tell police she was drunk at the time.

Barnes Close, Faversham, where the incident allegedly took place
Barnes Close, Faversham, where the incident allegedly took place

Ms Love saw the tail end of a confrontation in which teenager Johnny Brazil, who is also known as Baby John, stabbed a man in the stomach.

The case itself was, according to Judge Julian Smith, “plagued” by reluctance and non-compliance from more than 30 people who were in Barnes Close, Faversham, at the time of the knifing in August last year, including the victim, Jack Lupson.

However, Ms Love was not only brave enough to give evidence at Brazil’s trial but also to report her conversation with Elliott to police.

Brazil, 19, of Barrow Green, Teynham, was subsequently convicted by a jury of unlawful wounding and common assault, and awaits sentence.

Elliott, 34, of Edward Vinson Drive, Faversham, admitted doing an act intending to pervert the course of justice.

The court heard she was in a relationship with Brazil’s cousin, John Brazil, and had been asked by Johnny Brazil’s father to speak to Ms Love.

It was during a visit to Barnes Close shortly after the stabbing that Elliott spoke to her.

Trevor Wright, prosecuting, said: “Elliott said ‘I’ve got it on my phone that you are one of the main witnesses to the stabbing.

“Would you withdraw your statement and tell the police that you were drunk at the time?’,”

Ms Love was said to be shocked and asked whether anyone would “come for her boys” if she did not, to which Elliott replied “Don’t be silly”.

John Brazil has been found guilty of stabbing Jack Lupson.
John Brazil has been found guilty of stabbing Jack Lupson.

Judge Smith said Ms Love’s question would have clearly demonstrated her fear to Elliott, and that her intervention was another stage in a case “frustrated by fear and intimidation”.

He added: “The impact of approaching witnesses and asking them not to give evidence doesn’t need me to spell out.

“It was perverting the course of justice, interfering with a process of the most profound importance. It frightened and alarmed Ms Love and it was a case made difficult by the attitude behind it. Your action made it more so.”

Judge Smith said he accepted Elliott had learned her lesson and that he recognised the impact an immediate custodial sentence would have on her and her children, one of whom is disabled.

But he added that behind her “pleasant” approach to Ms Love was “a threat and a fist”.

Judge Smith said Ms Love’s question would have clearly demonstrated her fear to Elliott, and that her intervention was another stage in a case “frustrated by fear and intimidation”.

“The impact of approaching witnesses and asking them not to give evidence doesn’t need me to spell out" - Judge Julian Smith

The court was told that Elliott was no longer in a relationship with John Brazil and was the sole carer of her children.

She was supported in court by her mother and sister who promised to look after the youngsters as Elliott was led to the cells.

Peter Alcock, defending, had argued that any custodial sentence could be suspended.

Describing Elliott as “nice and naive”, he said her conversation with Ms Love did not involve threats or force.

“She did not realise that within that velvet there was iron behind it. She was naive and, as well as not knowing the detail of the case, she was not aware of what may or may not have been behind it.”

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