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Mental health group Lost the Plot scoop national prize for wellbeing garden

A national award is the latest achievement helping to boost spirits among Talk It Out members.

Lost The Plot, an allotment patch run by the Deal based mental health support group, has scooped first prize in the Cultivation Street competition, judged by celebrity gardener David Domoney.

Tracy Carr and her members celebrate their success
Tracy Carr and her members celebrate their success

It is an outdoor space for people who want to escape the stresses of daily life and seek peer support, which runs in addition to the group's homely hub in Victoria Road, Deal.

The award - which comes with a prize of £2,000 - is the third in 11 months which recognises their green fingered efforts.

It follows an accolade for the best small allotment on the Telegraph Road site and a prize for the best allotment for the South East in Bloom competition.

Co-founder of Talk It Out, Tracy Carr, said: "I was stunned when David Domoney turned up at the allotment to spring the surprise.

"We are so truly grateful to Cultivation Street, the Sunday Mirror and particularly David Domoney and Annie Yates for this wonderful prize.

Co-founder Tracy Carr, celebrity gardener David Domoney and grant fundraiser Colin Smith
Co-founder Tracy Carr, celebrity gardener David Domoney and grant fundraiser Colin Smith

"This is a real boost to our members and is a tribute to all their hard work."

The previously “unloved” allotment was taken over by the volunteers in October and now boasts raspberries, broad beans and shallots plus apple and pear trees.

There’s also a memorial garden for loved ones, a kid’s corner with rainbow carrots and tomatoes, man-made water butt and compost systems - and a tea-break shed.

Mrs Carr added: "This project is about what gardening and the outdoors brings to my members in the way of wellbeing.

"We are very proud to have won these prizes and our members have been boosted every time they turn up to look after the site.

Lost the Plot is an allotment project in Telegraph Road led by mental health support group Talk It Out
Lost the Plot is an allotment project in Telegraph Road led by mental health support group Talk It Out

"Whether they work the soil, do some weeding or watering or just turn up for a chat their troubles disappear as soon as they walk down the path to the allotment.

"It gives them something money can't buy and I am so proud of all of them for what they have achieved here in Deal."

The group beat off competition from 600 other nominated sites to win the prize of £2,000.

Talk It Out's grant fundraiser Colin Smith, who entered them, said: "This is an amazing achievement by members who have transformed a weedy patch of land into a beautiful prize winning allotment.

Tracy Carr and Marie Jordan started Talk It Out in 2011
Tracy Carr and Marie Jordan started Talk It Out in 2011

"It has added an extra dimension to the mental health support group, and this project can serve as a template to others will similar groups across the UK."

The wellbeing café at Deal Ability in Victoria Road is open 11am to 1pm Monday to Friday.

Read more: All the latest news from Deal

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